May 24, 2020

He Opened Their Eyes – Ascension Sunday

Passage: Luke 24:44-53
Service Type:

Bulletin – May 24, 2020


Call to Worship

We have gathered-
new followers and lifelong disciples,
the powerful and the powerless,
those who have too little and those who have
too much.
We have gathered, for we are one in Christ.
We have come-
seekers and skeptics,
sinners and saints,
the poor in spirit and the rich in faith.
We have come, for we are eager to hear
God’s word.
We are here, together.
Let us glorify the one true God.

Prayer of Confession

Lord Jesus,
you long for us to be one,
just as you and the Father are one.
But we gravitate toward those who
think like us,
behave like us,
pray like us,
because it is easier than looking beyond
to discover what is good and kind and faithful
in those we call the other.
Even in our houses of worship,
we are slow to reach across the aisle
to embrace siblings in faith
with whom we hold little in common.

Forgive us, we pray.
Wash us in the waters of our baptism,
so that, with one mind,
we might continue the work you gave us to do.



Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

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