Holy Week takes us into the story of Christ – from his entrance into Jerusalem, through crucifixion and into resurrection. This year we celebrate in our homes, but in all reality that is not too unlike the early church – even those celebrating Christ’s resurrection the day they discovered it, they likely only shared the news with their closest family and friends. Easter wasn’t yet a traditional holiday; it was an awakening to reality that everything had changed. May this be how you enter in this year! And may you remember, we are resurrection people! When we gather together again we will join together with loud and happy hearts!

Celebrate Holy Week at home with stories, activities, and wondering questions in our daily guides in PDF format below. Click to open for viewing, downloading, or printing.

Holy Week At Home

This daily packet offers thoughtful activities for families in particular to use each day of Holy Week. You can print it out, and each day can be sealed up in an envelope for daily opening and discovery! Check out what each day requires – something easy to find around your house.

Maundy Thursday Supper Liturgy

Jesus sat at table with his disciples for a meal which we recall every time we celebrate communion. Use this liturgy during your meal to enter into the meal he originally shared, and consider together how it shapes our faith. Invite family/friends of all ages to join you over Zoom/FaceTime/Duo, especially those who may be celebrating alone this year. Follow the purple print for an abbreviated version to do with children.

Good Friday Tenebrae at Home

A service of shadows, taking us through Jesus’ last words. It is a service that helps us feel the depth of pain and loss in Jesus’ crucifixion, from the eyes of his followers and other witnesses. This space prepares our hearts and minds for the fullness of joy and mystery that resurrection brings, and is written for all ages. Follow the purple print for an abbreviated version to do with children.

Easter Sunday – Godly Play

Our Godly Play story for this week will be the story of the Easter Eggs.  Attached below are sheets that you can print out to help design your own eggs, as well as a list of traditional design meanings. We would LOVE to have the kids create some eggs and share them with us (Email tracy@saintjamespres.org)!

Easter Egg – Traditional Meanings
Printable Easter Eggs – PDF

Music to accompany your Holy Week worship at home: