2025 Annual Report Download or View Below
A Good and Generous New Year As I write this article, thinking about the New Year, I keep thinking about this question that the followers of John the Baptist asked: What are we to do? And now, looking ahead, even beyond the Season of Christmas, I’m filled with wonder (and concern) about how we do…
Join us for Christmas Eve at 7pm on December 24. We will sing carols, hear the Christmas story, and celebrate the birth of Christ. All are welcome and there is something for children of all ages.
“Peace in the Middle East?” 4-week study to become more knowledgeable about the Palestinian situation and the PC(USA) position “that Christian Zionism does not represent the majority of American Christians and the faith of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).” And considering Ephesians 4:31-32 “Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and…
St. James Presbyterian – Climate Action Newsletter – Spring 2024 – Click to open
Advent greetings, In these first days of December, we begin the season of Advent. This is a team of waiting, anticipation, and hope. Even as the dark draws nearer and the days continue to shorten, we hope that the Light of Christ will dawn again, this time in us, as we live out Christ’s loving…
The Joy of Gathering These last few years, I have learned the deep joy of gathering with people. Being in other people’s presence, whether they are dear friends or new acquaintances, is vital. Our ability to come together and share in experiences, support one another through life’s transitions, and celebrate our collective journey is an…
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