House Rules: Humility
- Come to Me O Weary Traveler – #183
- Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord – FWS 2131
- Men of Faith Rise Up and Sing – #319
Our God is majestic in holiness,
awesome in splendor,
and worthy of our highest praise.
Who is like the Lord?
Our God blew back the waters,
prepared a path through the sea,
and appeared as a pillar of fire
to light the pilgrim way.
Who is like the Lord?
The Lord is our strength and our salvation.
Let us sing to the Lord who triumphs gloriously!
HYMN OF PRAISE “Come to Me, O Weary Traveler” – GTG #183
Merciful God, we are quick to ask for grace
when we have fallen short,
for patience when we have stubbornly
turned away from you.
Why are we slow
to show the same mercy to others?
We keep track of wrongs
and cling to old hurts,
rather than offering the forgiveness
that could free others and ourselves.
We strive to be more faithful, Lord;
we want to be more loving.
So, we kneel before you once again
to ask for patience and grace.
Transform us, we pray.
Pour out your mercy upon us,
until it flows forth from us
through acts of love. Amen.
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