Caesar’s Coin, Cyrus’ Grip, and a Public Faith
Sure, the coin has Caesar’s head on it. Pay your taxes. Vote. Be a good citizen. And…do it all not because it is the obligation Caesar has burdened you with. Do it with a worldview that entrusts every action, every gift, every movement of your life to be a part of a whole picture of how God calls you and me to live.
- Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty GTG #1
- For the Life That You Have Given GTG #717
- Immortal Invisible God Only Wise GTG #12
CALL TO WORSHIP Brian Johnson, Lector
Exalt the Almighty
and worship at God’s holy mountain,
for the Lord our God is holy.
Look! The Lord draws near;
come into the presence of the Holy One.
Let us behold the glory of our God.
HYMN OF PRAISE “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!” – GTG #1
Living Lord,
in you we live and move and have our being.
You call us to give all that we are
and all that we have
in service to Christ.
But we hold tightly to our treasure,
afraid we will not have enough for ourselves,
and hold back our talents,
afraid these gifts will not be enough.
God, unclench our fists
and help us to give fully and freely
so that, in all things,
we might serve and glorify you. Amen.
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